Winter Weather and Asthma Complications

To many people who work outdoors and even those who don’t, winter can be a time of discomfort and coping with a number of different cold weather-induced conditions.  One of the more common reasons clients contact us around this time of year revolves around the weather and its intensifying effects on their conditions.  While many conditions seem more manageable during the warmer months, some conditions can make work unbearable when the thermometer drops.  Today, I’m going to talk about weather-induced asthma and how to try to cope with this condition during cold weather. Continue reading

Happy Holidays From All Of Us!

From all of us at Royal Claims Advocates to you and your loved ones, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday season!  This blog normally provides you with advice and tips on filing a successful disability claim, but today we’re going to take a break from the normal claims grind – and explain why you should too. Continue reading

Doctor’s Corner: Behind a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosis

As many professional jobs become more and more computer-based, disabilities that involve nerve, muscle or tendon damage in the hands have become a major issue.  These conditions prevent people from typing reports, replying to e-mails, and completing the day-to-day tasks of their jobs.  These conditions can range from work modifications to a short-term disability, simply requiring a short period of rest away from the office and the stresses of work, to a total and permanent disability.  One common condition causing such disability claims is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).  In today’s blog, I am going to walk through the information many doctors will look for and use in writing a report for your disability insurance company.  Even if you aren’t suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, this article can be useful to show the steps an examiner follows when diagnosing your condition. Continue reading

6 Potential Pitfalls of Your Chronic Back Pain Disability Claim

Almost everyone will experience some sort of back pain during the course of their lives.  This can extend from the cervical to thoracic to lumbar, not to mention shooting into arms and legs, and range in severity from a minor, short-term twinge to protracted, excruciating pains that last for months.  For people who deal with chronic back pain on a daily basis, performing what used to be simple tasks and normal work functions can become difficult and sometimes unbearable.  Even with surgical intervention, the pain may prove too overwhelming for many people.  In addition, this pain can lead to a host of other conditions such as depression and anxiety.  When this occurs, sufferers of chronic back pain may need to consider applying for their disability benefits.

The claim process is full of unexpected pitfalls and hurdles that may weaken the claim and cause benefits to either be delayed or denied, preventing you from having the money you were counting on to pay the many bills that crop up when you become disabled.  These following six tips represent some of the most common problems our clients have experienced when filing their claim for benefits based upon conditions that cause chronic back pain and the ways to avoid these problems, helping you receive your benefits as soon as possible when you need them most.   Continue reading