The Value of Medical History Documents in a Disability Claim

Having a clear and complete diagnosis and medical history are crucial aspects of any successful disability claim.  Disability insurance companies are masters at seizing on any potential discrepancies in these records as a basis to dispute, delay or deny a claim.  One of the best ways to help yourself, your doctors, and your disability claim is to prepare a medical history document that tracks your health information over time.  While this document is not intended to replace your medical records or an interview by a physician, it can be a crucial reference tool that provides much needed information in a condensed and organized manner when deciding on best courses of treatment – or when discussing your claim with a claims examiner or field investigator.  The best advice would be to calmly and thoroughly prepare a medical history document for every member of your family before a critical need arises.  As almost everyone has done, you’ve completed a general health history form at your doctor’s office before seeing the doctor. Continue reading

Uncovering the Secrets of Insurance Company Surveillance

Surveillance is an issue that has been mentioned in several past blogs and creates tension and stress for claimants and insurance companies.  Disability claim examiners are trained to recognize certain “red flags,” ranging from incorrect statements on claims forms, to inconsistencies with medical information, to the experiences of a claims handler, that can trigger different types of surveillance.  In response to several questions about specific surveillance techniques and how to handle them, I’d like to explain some of the more common tactics used on a regular basis by insurance companies.   Continue reading

Successfully Defending a Claim Against Denial

Today’s blog is my favorite type – a success story!  One of our clients has graciously allowed me to relate his story to our readers as an example of how having expert help and standing up for your rights can lead to a positive outcome in your disability claim.

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Arthritis: Common Claim Mistakes and How to Get Approved for Benefits

If I were to ask you the number one cause of disability in the United States, what would you say? It may surprise you that the answer is…arthritis.  Arthritis is a very common condition that affects the ability of more than 20 million Americans to work in their chosen careers on a daily basis. It manifests itself in many different forms, but the main type is osteoarthritis followed by rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. In the case of individuals who try and continue their careers, their work abilities can be marred by absenteeism and frequent doctor appointments to deal with the pain and difficulties of movement. It’s estimated that over $60 billion dollars a year in earnings are lost due to this degenerative disease. Disability insurance is a very important consideration in the treatment and recovery of an arthritis patient, so it’s critical to remember several key points when applying for disability benefits from an insurance company. Continue reading